Annual MGMC Rock Sale and Show
Since 1992 on the first full weekend of each May, the MGMC holds its annual Rock Sale and Show. Dealers from across Kansas and the rest of the United States set up in the McPherson County 4-H Building for three days of selling, fun, and fellowship.
Vendors offer a wide range of rock, mineral, and fossil specimens, lapidary materials, jewelry, meteorites, and more. MGMC members set up displays and several share different aspects of the hobby with the visiting public. Rock polishing, sand painting, rock, mineral, and fossil identification, and a fluorescent mineral display are just a few of the things that have been presented during the show at one time or another.
On Saturday evening the MGMC hosts a dinner for its members and the visiting vendors followed by a rock auction. The auction is open to the public and the funds generated from it help to cover the costs of putting on the show. Everyone who attends the auction has a wonderful time with much fun and laughter, and a great deal can often be had for those who are the lucky high bidders.
Visitors to the show are able to sign up for hourly door prizes given away on all three days. For the pebble pups, we provide them with a goody or two to help them with their own collection. Both young and old enjoy trying their luck on the spin-n-win table where a bargain may be snapped up if you are lucky.
Both club members and our visitors eagerly look forward to the MGMC show each year. We hope to see you there sometime!